Saturday, October 23, 2004 deleted?!?

In an effort to expand my comedic powers, I have enrolled in one of the greatest schools for improvisation, Second City. The classes have been awesome and I have totally been enjoying talking with the other students. Being that I'm 38 years old, until November 19th, I thought I would be the oldest student in the class, but I'm not. In fact, 3 other students are older than I am. If you ever looking to take a class in Improvisation, I highly recomend Second City.

My website at contains a huge selection of Free downloadable mp3's, and has been a huge success for marketing my material worldwide. Every month the traffic to my website has increased. It made sense that I should allow some affiliate marketing on the site to increase my monthly revenue.

Then tragedy struck.

The day I was adding the affiliate links to the website, Microsoft Frontpage 2003 glitched, and erased every piece of code, on over 180 pages of my website, in between body tags.

This was a huge setback, and it get's worse. The google spider came in when the pages were blank, and removed many of my top listings in their directory.

Comedy audio, two steps forward, 3 steps back. I have decided to rebuild the entire website from scratch. At least all the audio is still in tact, and the photo's, but rewriting the bio's is going to suck.

Lesson learned: always have a current backup of your website. 2. never trust Microsoft Frontpage 2003.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Let's get it started

My first blog post. It sounds like something that needs to get removed by a specialist. Hey doc, can you please remove this Blog post, it's starting to burn when I walk? Seriously, is that the only name they could come up with or what?

I'm a comedy audio producer who has worked in the broadcast industry for well over 13 years now. My comedy production have been heard by millions of people all over the world, yet I still can barely afford my Harley Davidson payment every month. I have been lucky enough to make a career out of this gig, and have enjoyed all the up's and down's that go along with it. I have created well over 1900 comedy productions, parody songs, original comedy songs, parody commercials, and voice overs. Anybody thinking that this industry is a good idea should be subject to an immediate lobotomy.

I'm going to post information about my progress in this crazy career, as well as some insight into the creative process, all in the hope that I might read it again at a later date and realize that it's time to get a real job.

If you would like to see examples of my comedy audio, feel free to visit my website at

Now it's time for me to get started on my new demo.